My Pet Singing
Download and share a viral video of your pet singing
and dancing to the beat of your favorite pop songs.
Create a fun music video of your dog or cat
Share your music video of your pet singing and dancing to the beat of your favorite pop songs with your friends and families on TikTok, YouTube, and social media.
How it works?

- Take a photo of your pet. For the best results, take a photo of your pet with your dog or cat facing forward with his/her eyes open and mouth closed.

- Set markers of your dog or cat's eyes and mouth in your pet's picture.

- Pick your favorite pop song that your pet will sing.

- Preview your music video and watch your pet sing and dance to the beat.

- Save and share your viral music video of your cat or dog.

- Subscribe to PetStar Premium to download your pet's music video to your phone.

Start using for free
Ignite is available for free on the App Store and Google Play.